Bricks of the World
Poster Design
This project was created for AIGA Vermont’s Student Design Challenge. The brief was “Brick”, just the word “Brick”. Based on this very open ended brief, and after some research about bricks and their usage, I decided to explore the idea of bricks around the world. Bricks are one of the longest lasting and strongest building materials and have been in use since before 7500 BC. It’s a material that can be made in a variety of ways depending on where and when it is being used, but it is something that can be found in places around the world.

To create this project, I used a randomizer on google maps to find locations around the world. I used the first forty places where bricks could be found and took an average color of the bricks. From these colors I organized them on the poster. Each brick color uses the address of its location as a name and the latitude and longitude as a code.

Final Outcome:
The project was presented to a panel of judges for AIGA Vermont and was runner up in the show.